Tag Archives: timeshare scams

Timeshare Cancellation: How To Get Out From Under The – If I Could, Would You

The timeshare vacation revolution began in the 1960’s as an alternative
to purchasing a vacation home and back in those days a timeshare cancellation
was something that people never did.

Back then, people who couldn’t afford a second home were
introduced to an inexpensive way to vacation . . . or so they thought. It
slowly evolved into a billion dollar industry that many refer to as: timeshare scams

So please use extreme caution if you decide to go to a
timeshare presentation (We advise people just not to do it!). Today some
timeshare resorts have as high as, 50% timeshare cancellation rate. Think of
it, as high as – fifty present timeshare cancellation – wow!

Why so high you may ask, well, the invitation to attend a
timeshare presentation always sounds so good. However, the short ninety minute sales-pitch
many times last over six hours and becomes one of intense haggling by the
timeshare salesperson.

The timeshare sales presentation is meant to beat down all
your objectives and to talk you into buying something that many times you
really do not want to buy. When you say “no” to the timeshare purchase, the
salesperson is taught in training to come back with a better and better offer.
The line they use is: “If I could would you?”

Eventually the salesperson gets you to the point with their,
“If I could would you?” that you have no objections left in your arsenal to disagree
and the next thing you know, you’re signing the timeshare contract.

Then of course with a second home you really can sell it (providing
you bought it right) and make a profit whenever you want to. Not so, with a timeshare.
Now I know they told you it can be sold, but that’s one of the many things in
that sales pitch that you find out along the way was simply not true and why
people call it timeshare scams.

Also with a second home you can use it whenever you want to.
Again, not so with timeshare. You have a week, at a certain time of the year
and if you can’t get away to use it then, that week you purchased just passes
you by.

When people sign up to buy timeshare they must know that
their lives will ever change or be altered in any way. And when it does, in the
timeshare industry, the buyers adjust to this change by listening to another timeshare
salesperson and are so many times talked in to adding more weeks or points to
what they already own.

Before they are aware of what has happened and how they got
into the mess they have from themselves in, they own more and more additional

And each week we talk to so many people who need to do a
timeshare cancellation because they have found themselves in this position and honestly
when they tell us what their monthly payments amount to, it is us, who have to

Many of these people say they feel helpless and want to find
out how to do a timeshare cancellation. We hear over and over people say please
help me cancel my timeshare.

You know we don’t know of another industry that is allowed
to use, what we feel is abusive sales practices, and are allowed to brow beat
people into taking on more and more of a financial burden then they can handle.

This industry could care less if it puts the buyers into a
terrible financial hardship. So the best thing to do is to stay away from
timeshare presentations!

That free gift you went to get from just listening to a 90-minute
presentation can end up costing you thousands of dollars and many sleepless
night of hoping some day you might be able to get a timeshare cancellation.

Good news, if you own a timeshare and feel you have been
involved in a timeshare scam and/or would like to discover how to cancel timeshare we can

To acquire more about a timeshare cancellation see
our frequently asked questions or just give our office a call.

To Find Out More About Timeshare Cancellation Log Onto Our
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053 

Timeshare Cancellation: Once You’re In – How to Get Out

The timeshare cancellation are running in record numbers, why? Many people buy in to the timeshare sales pitch that is given to them at a timeshare presentation about going on a vacation and being able to leave your wallet behind.

Yet when they buy-in to this dream, they find that there even though the vacation is all inclusive, there are salespeople waiting for them to sell them more and more. That’s why many people now refer to time sharing as: timeshare scams.

Timeshare Presentation

The revolving door of you being pitched by a timeshare salesperson never stops. If you own timeshare, you have a big red target on your wallet that tells the resort timeshare people that if you bought in to the timeshare presentation concept once, that you’re likely to do it again and again.

And for some people/buyers, that is the case. They wake up one day and find that they don’t own one week of timeshare, they own several and that the financial burden of it all is taking them down. They call us wanting to know what and how to do a timeshare cancellation.

Some people just can’t say “NO”. They figure if they own one timeshare week which they have enjoyed and they begin to believe if they own more, it will just add to their fun.

Maybe they could afford the additional financial output at the time of the purchase but unforeseen events happen in their life and the timeshare obligations that they have committed themselves to they can no longer handle.

But That Scenario Is Not Always The Case

We speak too many and I mean many seniors that have been talked into buying more timeshare and the salespersons involved in these sales knew full well that these seniors could not afford the added financial expense and yet they still browbeat these elderly buyers into taking on more.

All for the personal financial gain for the salesperson and the resort. What a timeshare scam we feel that is!

To take advantage of vacationing seniors in this way really should be a crime. You won’t believe how many seniors we speak to that just need our help and advice to get out of the additional timeshare expense that they unwittingly got themselves into.

They call us because they need a ray of hope that this mess can be resolved (and it can) by doing a timeshare cancellation.  

If you find yourself in this situation, don’t despair. There is things that can do done to help you get out of the burden. Instead of walking the floors at night, that positive action and get the help and advice you need.

If you own a timeshare and feel you have been involved in a timeshare scam and/or would like know how to cancel timeshare we can help.

To learn further about a timeshare cancellation see our website – frequently asked questions and/or give us a call.
To Find Out More About Timeshare Cancellation Log Onto Our Website:
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, 
Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Timeshare Scams – Let Me Count The Ways. . .

What are timeshare scams?

If we were to count the ways that the timeshare resorts are training
and retraining their salespeople to scam you, that would take too long because
the ways goes on and on.

Now of course they don’t think it’s scamming, they’re just trying to
take your “No” and turn it into a “Yes”.
If they have to take a 90 minute presentation and turn it into a 6 or 7
hour presentation so be it!
You see, the resort pays a lot of money to have people like you come
through their doors.
Those people on the streets and in the malls that initially called you
over to their booth get paid some pretty good money to book your tour and to
have you show up at the presentation.

No Shows

If you don’t show up, they call that “No Shows” and if the people in
the booths get too many of them, it could cost them their jobs.
So they need to tell you anything they have to have you show up at the
appointed time that you scheduled with them.
I read once that people were being promised a new boat. (Now who
wouldn’t show up for that?) After the presentation, the new boat that was
promised, ended up being a new toy boat! Now in all honesty it was probable a
very nice toy boat.
But I’m sure the turnover in the gifting department was like a
revolving door because the poor employees that had to give over a toy boat most
likely got an ear full on an hourly basis.
Anyway you get the picture. You know the old saying, “If it sounds too
good to be true… it probable is.”
But the timeshare industry lives and I hate to say thrives on the rule
that there is a sucker born every minute.
And if you could hear the timeshare scams stories that I hear, you
would probable believe that yourself.
Now it’s not just the people that you might think that maybe a
gullible, because this group includes, doctors, lawyers and Indian chiefs.

How About You

But let’s talk about you, so you went ahead and took to plunge. You
took the timeshare salespeople at their word and all the promises they gave
You took the hook, line and sinker. You signed on the dotted line and
now you’re the proud new owner of a timeshare.
They did tell you that they were building new units so just because you
had a difficult time booking your vacation, you were still able to do it.
And just because the swimming pool was so crowded that you were only
able to soak your big toe, they did say they were going to build two more
swimming pools, the construction just hasn’t started yet. It will all be done
by the time you come back next year.
But it’s not. Now you’re getting a little ticked, okay a lot ticked!

Your Timeshare Contract

You get out your timeshare contract. You’re sure all this stuff would
be covered in the contract. The nice salespeople told you it would be… You
know they wouldn’t lie to you.

Of course you didn’t have time to read the contract. They told you at
the time you signed it that you didn’t have to. It was just a standard timeshare
contract. And you took them at their word.
Oh boy. There’s trouble!
Now you learn that the internet is full timeshare resale scams.

How To Cancel Your Timeshare

It’s at this point that many people began to think about how to cancel
a timeshare purchase and they learn it’s NOT easy to get a timeshare
Many people that have been a part of one of those timeshare scams send
a timeshare cancellation letter. But they learn this is no help.
The biggest question for many timeshare owners is how do I cancel my timeshare? I’ll tell you more about that in a minute.

Now Back To You

You have decided that you want to get out of the timeshare contract.
So, you call the timeshare company because you want to know how to do a
timeshare cancellation
You tell the timeshare company that you have been a
part of a timeshare scam.
The timeshare resort tells you, “Sorry. You have signed a legal binding
contract and there is no way for you to get out of it.”
But you say, “Yes, but what they told me was, they were going to be
more building at the resort and that hasn’t come to pass.” This is a timeshare
The customer service person asks, “Is all that in the timeshare
“No, but I know they told me that. My wife was right there with me and
she heard it too.”
“BUT is it in the contract?”
“No… but…”
“I’m sorry there is nothing I can do. It is a legal contract. Enjoy
your timeshare. Have a nice day. Goodbye.”
And now, you feel like you have no recourse.

Good News For Timeshare Cancellation

But WAIT . . . I’m here to tell you some good news about wanting a timeshare
You are stuck with that timeshare contract only if you want to be.
What the timeshare resort has done to you can be UNDONE.
I know that there are so many people out there that need to hear that.
There are so many people filled with anger, fear and hopelessness.
Take back your sleepless nights and know that there are ways that you
can take action against the timeshare scams.
The good news is, your timeshare contract can be canceled. Yes a cancel timeshare can be a reality.
We have valuable FREE information that will help you discover how to cancel
timeshare contract – yes, you can permanently cancel your timeshare payments,
all maintenance fees and your entire timeshare contract.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel a timeshare,
to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions
at:  www.TimeshareCancelCenter.com


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, 
Florida 2819-3310 USA

For a free consultation, Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053   

Timeshare Scams – “You Need To Buy More Points”

Give The Devil His Due

What I mean by that is, that whoever in the timeshare industry sat down and put their little conniving little heads together to figure out how they could suck

more money out of their already tapped out timeshare owners came up with a pretty good sounding timeshare scam.

POINTS – Explain

Back in the days when the timeshare industry was an innocent new concept that most people had ever heard of, and you would invite them to a new timeshare resort that was just built or in the process of being built, a sells person would actually have to explain the potential buyer what timeshare was.

The concept and how it would work and how the buyer would benefit from the purchase. I think in those beginning days the timeshare industry started out as a good thing and back then, timeshare cancellation was very low. Not many people ever even thought about how to cancel timeshare.

Back then, the potential buyer would seat and listen to the timeshare sales pitch and once they understood what this new innovation called timeshare was all about.

Then after about a 90 minute presentation, they would decide for themselves whether it would be a good deal for their family to buy or not to buy. Then after a few more years and the timeshare resort actually did what they promised.

Back in those days, the timeshare resorts keep their word and built the additional units, swimming pools, tennis courts and such. I mean they really did do what they promised. Back then a timeshare cancellation happen ever so often but nothing like today!

But as always, it always seems to happen with the human sells person, we inevitably get stung by a little thing called GREED and that little word somehow sneaks into the sales pitch in the form of a little white lie.

You know it’s like the yeast in the bread dough, a little lie starts another one and another one and it goes on and on and grows into Timeshare Scams and that’s when the timeshare cancellation stated showing up in big numbers.

With sales people (it’s just our nature) we are always watching and listening to what the top seller on the team is doing.

We of course what to be just like him or her and get all the recognition the top seller is getting, the pats on the back, the job perks and of course the money.

Praise And Money
The next time to go to a timeshare resort (if you are that brave and really can keep your resolve to say the word “NO” and stick to it) then check out the timeshare resort’s employee parking lot.

They will always have a spot reserved for the Top Salesperson for the week or month, however the resort likes to figure their sales quotes. But hey, who doesn’t like to have their name in lights, or just a sign in this case.  

Simple As That – Sold Out
Anyway, back in the days before the timeshare industry had heard of vacation POINTS. When after a few years of good sells and the resort sold all their timeshare weeks, the resort was SOLD OUT.

There was no more inventory to be sold. The resort was kind of dead-in-the-water when it came to getting more income from sales.

Even the poor sales people had to go looking for another job, another resort, to ply their trade. Some even had to move to different states or even different countries.

And the poor timeshare resort was left to milk money anyway they could out of the owners they now had on the books. All that was left to them was the maintenance fees and the occasional assessment costs.

Something Had To Be Done – Enter The Big Timeshare Scam

You have to feel for the owners really. Here they are in their plush onsite offices on the top floor of the timeshare resort complex, having had to fly to the timeshare location on their private jet.

They are standing at the big windows in their office looking down on the resort swimming pools crowded with people of every size, color and creed, knowing that all those people down there are enjoying the vacation the owners let them buy.

As the owners looks down at all those people frolicking in the water he realizes they have money in their vacation pockets and there is no way to get to it.
His darn timeshare resort has sold out. He would have to spend his hard earned millions or in some cases billions and go build another timeshare resort.

The Ultimate Dream Come True . . .

What if the owners, could own a timeshare resort that, 


POINTS – A New Timeshare Scam Has Been Born

If you owned a timeshare resort, or worked at a timeshare resort, that could never be sold out—why look at the money potential there! No I’m not talking about timeshare resale scams.

This dream come true is much bigger than that. And instead of the timeshare resorts owner’s ship coming in, what if those ships turned into timeshare resorts owner’s oil tankers!

But What About All Those Timeshare Owners
Oh no problem. The owner’s said, we will just spin a bigger and better sales story, (timeshare scam) of how we’re really looking out for all our owners’ best interest and how it’s going to be so much better than just owning a timeshare week of brick and mortar.

Why, Sell Property When You Can Just Sell Air(POINTS)

Oh my, what a wonderful and really pitiful timeshare scam has been perpetrated on the all timeshare owners.

It really is amazing as a human race what we will fall for if it is wrapped in a big fancy package that sounds like it was invented solely to improve our lives.

Wake Up People  
Points were never invented to benefit the timeshare owner! To find out even more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website: 


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, 
Florida 2819-3310 USA

For a free consultation, Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053   

Timeshare Cancellation: How To Cancel A Timeshare

We must tell you upfront that you need to become pretty well
versed on all that buying a timeshare entails before you buy one. It is so easy
to get taken by a
timeshare scam and then trying to do a timeshare cancellation to get out of it can be very hard.
A few of the reasons why a lot families invest in timeshare is
that they believe they are buying a second home. A vacation destination they
can use again and again throughout the years.
However you won’t believe the amount of people we talk to, that
never had any desire of buying a timeshare when they went to a presentation to
get their “free” gift, but the next thing they know, is that they are
walking away with a signed timeshare contract and the “Free” gift they
were promised, and the only reason they were there in the first place, has cost
them a world of headaches and now they want to do a timeshare cancellation.

High-Pressure Timeshare Sales Pitch

But it is amazing what people will succumb to when they are
subjected to a sometimes grueling six-hour high-pressure timeshare sales pitch
by pros-in-the-art of having you buy something that you had no intention of
In all honesty these high-pressure sales techniques that are used
on unwilling buyers are part of the industries ongoing timeshare scams that so
many people complain about and that so many people have to fight their way out
of by doing a timeshare cancellation once they find out what they have really
gotten themselves into.
Can you imagine going to buy an actual home and your real estate
agent keeps you in the car for hours on hours mentally brow-beating you into
buying a home that you didn’t want? No one can see that happening.
But in the timeshare industry, they show you the property, give
you the sales pitch and have you with a signed contract between the time you
are in one door and out the other.
There is no downtime like when you are buying a real home where
the closing is set up for a later date. In the timeshare industry it can be
done all at one time. This is just one of the reason there are so many
timeshare cancellation.

Hours Of High-Pressure

After hours of high-pressure sales techniques you walk out the
door a little brain-dead, with a signed timeshare contract in hand wondering
what in the world happened.
Those “free” gifts that got you to that presentation to begin with
are like the bait used by fishermen who put the bait on the hook for the
unsuspecting fish but once you’re on the hook, you are in a world of trouble
trying to get off.
Really the best thing to do, is to just stay away from those
timeshare presentations. Remember they are sales pros and unless you are a pro
at saying “NO” and getting up and leaving when you are ready and not when they
say you can, the best thing for you to do is to just stay away.
To learn even more about doing a timeshare cancellation log on to our website and see our frequently asked
questions or give us a call.
If you already own a timeshare and feel you have gotten
entangled a timeshare scam and would like know how to 
cancel timeshare we can answer all your questions.
For More Information About A Timeshare
Cancellation Visit Our Website:
5036 Dr.
Phillips Blvd. #221 Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation,
Call 24/7: 

The Legal – Timeshare Cancellation

Are you one of the unfortunate victims that when you purchase a timeshare, the sales techniques you were subjected to seem to be in the order of high pressure sales techniques?

Be Encouraged There Is Help For You

Even though you have signed a sales contract that is legally and binding there is protections set up for you as a buyer to change your mind.

This is called a cooling off period that normally follows any kind of sales transaction. There are only a handful of sales transactions that this cooling off period does not apply to and timeshare cancellation is NOT one of them.

No matter what the customer service at the resort has told you, you are still entitled to do a timeshare cancellation within the time period that is set up in the timeshare contract you signed.

Find The Rescission Clause Timeshare Cancellation

The first thing you need to do is look at your timeshare contract and search for the timeshare cancellation rescission clause. Sometimes it’s hidden in the very small print at the end of a usually lengthy timeshare contract.

The timeshare cancellation rescission period should also have been gone over with you at the time you purchased your timeshare and signed the timeshare contract. However this is many times glossed over very quickly with the timeshare sales people.

Paid On Commission

Timeshare sales people get paid by commission so remember that it does not behoove them to make sure before you sign the legal timeshare contract that you understand it.

Nor that you do have a legal timeshare cancellation cooling off period where you are within your legal rights to do a timeshare cancellation and no penalty of cost or obligation will come to you because you choose to exercise your legal rights.

Although we have talked to many timeshare owners who wish to do a timeshare cancellation within their rightful legal rescission period; were told by the resorts customer service people that they were unable to cancel the contract for one reason or another.

Timeshare Customer Service – An Extension Of High Pressure Sales

Also it should be noted here, that many of the timeshare customer service people are just an extension of the high pressure sales people that you dealt with in the first place. These timeshare customer service people are paid bonuses to keep you on the books when you call in to do a timeshare cancellation.

One of their job descriptions is to resell you on the timeshare resort or the whole timeshare vacationing mindset and to make you change your mind about cancelling. Sometimes they (resort customer service people) will again tell you anything you need to hear to get you past the rescission period.

We have especially seen this perpetrated on the young and old timeshare buyers who are not clear on their legal rights and are having to go head-to-head with a highly trained persuasive timeshare sales person.

Many times we talk to timeshare buyers who have called the resort to cancel and have been persuaded to think it over one more time before they do a timeshare cancellation on the week(s) or points that they purchased and at that time were given a price that cannot be duplicated at a later time.

Wait Just A Little Longer

This timeshare customer service follow up sales pitch will sometimes convince the timeshare owner to hesitate in doing the timeshare cancellation they called in to do, thinking that they may really be passing up the deal of a lifetime.

The buyer waits a few more days and then decides that the steady drain on their finances by staying in the timeshare contract will really do them more harm than good, calls in once more to do the timeshare cancellation and is then told that the timeshare cancellation rescission period has legally pasted as stated in the contract and that the buyer no longer has a legal right to cancel.

Now the timeshare buyer feels totally stuck in a legal binding timeshare contract that has NO legal way out. They (the timeshare buyers) are now legally bound by law to fulfill the payment agreement and also the agreed upon lifetime of maintenance fees.

We have talked to many, many timeshare buyers who are in such a state of despair that it has interfered with their jobs, their health and their marriage or relationships.

If that’s you, that does not mean that you should hire a high priced attorney. In fact many attorneys will tell you that a legal and binding contract has been signed and there is not legal recourse for you except to fulfill your timeshare obligation.

If you are unsure that you can handle the task of doing a timeshare cancellation, or believe that you succumb to the timeshare high pressure sales or one of the many timeshare scams and would like to cancel.

We would be glad to talk with you about how we can help.

To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For a free consultation, 
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053   

Look Out Timeshare Scams are Coming after YOU!


According to a recent news story, over 10 million Americans own timeshares, making the thriving industry ripe for con artists. 

Although timeshares often serve as money-saving investments for frequent travelers, they may prove costly if you don’t know how to detect a Timeshare scam.

Many companies lure potential customers with free stays at a timeshare in exchange for the client’s agreeing to simply sit through a timeshare presentation, but problems may arise once you agree to buy the timeshare property.

Timeshare scams range from hidden booking or maintenance fees to more extreme cases, such as companies suddenly going out of business once they secure your hefty deposit, leaving you without a timeshare.

Big Red Flag
Many people still don’t know to always avoid companies using 900 numbers, as the prefix is often associated with suspect companies. Due to a Federal Trade Commission ruling, 900 numbers must disclose how much the phone call will actually cost the caller. Prior to this ruling, many of these companies used such numbers to trick customers into thinking they were calling toll-free numbers.

Companies typically offer prizes to lure clients to timeshare presentations. Legitimate companies provide simple perks, such as a free hotel room or gift card, in exchange for your presence at a sale’s pitch.

However, a big red flag occurs when companies offer grand prizes, such as a brand-new car. Let’s get real, timeshare companies cannot afford to give lavish gifts to every potential client for simply showing up, and you will likely never see your promised reward.

Stay away from companies offering free hotel rooms and supposed discounted travel rates, such as airfare, when booking through a specific promoter. Often times, the promoter in question charges inflated rates and splits the profits with the timeshare company.

Payment For Participation

Never, Never, Never, pay for access to your prize. A legitimate timeshare business would never request a payment for your participation or charge a service to activate your prize.

If you want to buy a timeshare, leave the room if the sales pitch becomes too aggressive. Do not feel obligated to stay for the entire presentation if the sales associate applies too much pressure or causes you to feel uncomfortable.
Talk with other owners, particularly if you are staying at the timeshare resort where you are considering purchasing property.

Negative Experiences
Ask the other timeshare owners if they’ve experienced any big problems with the timeshare availability, maintenance and overall timeshare value, as well as any negative experiences with the company itself, such as unexpected charges or poor communication.

Always review the contract and documents with a lawyer. Allow yourself the opportunity to consider the offer. Take the paperwork with you once the pitch is over. Make certain the paperwork contains all the promises made during the presentation.

Do not sign a contract or any documents at the presentation. If you decide to sign a contract at the time of the presentation, get a copy immediately upon signing it. Do not allow the company to mail or email you a copy at a later date.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel a timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.

To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Consultation, 

Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Timeshare Scams – Con Artists Running Wild

The timeshare market is over flooded with units for sale. Many people who are struggling to make ends meet are desperate to sell their timeshare. Selling a timeshare vacation property has always been a very big challenge. But these days, it is all but impossible. 

Many State Attorney General are now saying; selling a timeshare vacation property it’s a major problem that’s affecting consumers across the U.S. 

The attorney general office of Florida has had almost 10,000 complaints just this year. All the State Attorney General are saying they get lots of complaints about timeshares sales and timeshare re-selling. It’s a big, big issue today.

Millions Of Dollars Going To Con Artists
Timeshare scams and con artists are cashing in on that desperation. Fraudulent telemarketers across the country are taking in millions of dollars by making many promises they can’t keep. 

These timeshare scams are smooth, they have scripts. They do this thousands and thousands of times a week. They know what they’re doing, but the key is not to fall for their scams.

Appraisal For A Timeshare
There is not enough data compiled to produce a bona fide appraisal. If you need an appraisal for a divorce or the IRS, you should make sure you are using a licensed appraiser who is risking his license to give you that appraisal.

The only time you should pay a fee for an appraisal for a timeshare is NEVER. At this time it is almost impossible to appraise a timeshare that is sold on the resale market.

Timeshare Scammers Call You

“One of the big warning signs of timeshare resell is they’ll “call you”, not the other way around. They’ll call and ask you out of the blue, ‘Can we help you sell your timeshare? They’ll say they have buyers just waiting for weeks like yours.

They’ll say they work and deal with real estate brokers that will also help in selling your timeshare weeks. They’ll say a great many things, with a great deal of high pressure on you to commit to what they are selling right then and there, but what they’re actually offering is overpriced advertising that, due to the over-inflated sales price they used to lure you in, has very little chance of selling your timeshare.

They Tell You Anything

There are many stories that go with this timeshare scams. They’ll tell you they have open houses at the resorts. They’ll tell you they have sold your type of unit for large dollar amounts. The only thing that winds up being sold is a bill of goods, and that was to you.

The telemarketer that “calls you” to sell you this advertising scam is most likely sitting in a big call center, surrounded by other people doing the exact same thing, probably on a sells quota/bonus system.

If you own a timeshare and cannot sell it and would like know how to cancel a timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.

To find out more about our timeshare cancellation service simply log onto our website:

5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA

For A Free Consultation, 
Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053

Timeshare – the purchase should come with a warning label. Beware buyer!

Timeshare Scams . . . Timeshare Sales Should Come With A WARNING, WARNING, WARNING!

The warning should read something like this:

WARNING!Timeshare Scams

Before The Timesharing Resort Is Done With You,

This Is Going To Cost You And Your Family A Lot Of Money!

We sometimes wonder if anyone before they signed on the preverbal dotted line, ever STOP to think for a moment and add up the cost of what this nice timeshare person is talking them into buying – When they were being brainwashed into buying the timeshare vacation.

What it was going to cost them before their life was at its end. Because that’s when the maintenance fees stop for you. AT DEATH!

But That Cost Just Stops For You…

It is not the end of the maintenance fees for your children and or loved ones. Upon your death your children get the shaft (I mean baton) pasted on to them.
Now they are responsible for the timeshare maintenance fees. Whether they want that nice bill or not, they are stuck with it. They don’t have a choice. And the children are scrambling to figure out what to do with the timeshare and how to get that bill off their backs.

What beside the National Debt, would be pass on like that to the innocent next generation? Who would really want to do that to their children? Especially in this economy and there are not any predictions that I know of that say it is going to get in better.

Times Are Ever Changing
The security of job and income, the idea of being with a company and someday retiring from that company, in times gone by, is something we could bank on for our future.

That way of ideal thinking no longer exists. Those were the Leave-It-To-Beaver days. Job security is not something that can be counted on any longer. And the gold watch of retirement is now quickly becoming a pink slip.

That is one reasons so many elderly people are begging for help to do a timeshare cancellation.

They never thought when they purchased that timeshare years ago, that the burden of maintaining that debt would go on and on and on!

Couples never thought that as they aged, their children would have their own way of thinking and their own way of wanting to take a vacation. What started out as a good thing, slowly is becoming a nightmare.

Elderly people are now starting to realize what they have truly gotten themselves into when they signed that timeshare contract years ago.

The Debt Never Stops
In this day and age, what beside timeshare can you buy and the debt never stops? Your timeshare is never really paid for and that continual cost is in the form of maintenance fees and as you age the resorts ages right along with you, there are more and greater amounts in assessment charges.

The resort you bought into will also have to be maintained and your hard earned money is what will be doing it.

You certainly don’t think the resorts owners are going to do that do you? No. The upkeep for the resort is on your back and the backs of your fellow vacation owners. The resort owner(s) made sure that WAS in the contract you signed.
And because so many people believed the lie that owning timeshare was like owning real estate (because that is one of the lies that sold them in the first place) they believe that they are passing along something of value to their children.

And if your children don’t want the timeshare after you are gone, they can sell it and make a nice profit. WRONG! This is one of the big lies told by most timeshare sell people. It’s one big reason so many people call buying timeshare the big timeshare scam.

No Resell Value
There is absolutely no and I mean NO, value in owning a timeshare. If you don’t believe me, just to one of the websites like EBay and look at the listings for all the people who are trying to resell their timeshare.

The people who still believe that they have something of value (because it was preached so strongly at the sales presentation) are still trying to sell it for different amounts of money.

But those who have finally realized that their timeshare is worthless– well they are practically begging for someone to just take the darn thing off of their hands.

Since it is considered a legal transaction some minimal amount must change hands, they are charging a few dollars for something they purchased for thousands of dollars and even then, they can’t get rid of it.

No One Wants Your Debt
It’s like trying to sell your debt to someone else. Believe me no one wants your debt. If you don’t want it—why should they.

The best thing to do is to stay away from getting talked in to going to a timeshare presentation in the first place.

The free tickets, boat ride, and anything else the off-site people are throwing at you, please remember when and if you do go to the presentation you are going up against hard-core sells people who are highly trained in getting you to agree to buying a timeshare.
They will do and say almost anything they can get away with to getting you to sign a contract before you get out of there.

I doubt seriously that before you and your family go on vacation, you all gather around the kitchen table and have hours of training sessions about how to say NO during a timeshare sales pitch, if you did happen to end up in a timeshare presentation.

To find out even more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website: www.TimeshareCancelCenter.com


5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For a free consultation, 

Call 24/7: 1-855-600-9053  

The Exchange Anywhere, Timeshare Scam

Creates Timeshare Cancellation

Today, let’s talk about, how timeshare scams are creating a lot of timeshare cancellation. Each week, many people call us and ask how to write a timeshare cancellation letter, because they got into some kind of timeshare scam.
Let’s start with saying, to get the most benefit from timeshare ownership, an owner must learn the rules for successful timeshare exchanging. Unfortunately, many timeshare owners learn the rules only after they try and make an exchange and this leads to a lot of unsuccessful exchange attempts and after that many timeshare owners have soured on timesharing and this creates a lot of people who want to get a timeshare cancellation.

Of course, what the timeshare sales people tell the buyers is, one of the most attractive features of timesharing is the capacity to exchange a timeshare week for a week at a different timeshare at different times and locations throughout the world.

What the timeshare sales people don’t tell the buyers is that many timeshare owners can’t get the timeshare exchange they want. This usually happens when the timeshare owner either doesn’t understand how the exchange system works, because the timeshare sales people didn’t tell the buyers really how the timeshare exchanging system works.

In the end, when the timeshare owner is unsuccessful in making an exchange, they become very disillusioned and most often, upset about buying timesharing and this is where the words timeshare scams start to get used. That is one of the reasons that so many people ask us how to write a timeshare cancellation letter.

Ways To Exchange Your Timeshare Scam

Some of the ways to make a timeshare exchange are: Direct exchanges with other timeshare owners; this means exchanges within a resort owners group that provides the timeshare exchanges as part of the timeshare membership; and then there is the exchanges completed through companies that arrange exchanges.

Owner To Owner – Direct Timeshare Exchanges

Direct exchanges occur when two timeshare owners agree to trade the usage of their week(s) with each other. This almost never works out good and again, this is where we start to hear the words timeshare scam.

The real disadvantage of direct timeshare exchanging is the difficulty in finding and contacting other owners to make these kind of exchanges.

A second approach timeshare owners use is to exchange is to contact the resorts into which they would like to exchange to and find out if there is a way to contact owners about making a direct exchange however be warned this again, almost never works like many timeshare sales people say it does. After a few times of this not working many timeshare owners start to think about how to cancel my timeshare.

Exchanges – Timeshare Clubs

Today, any timeshare companies own multiple resorts in different locations. Often, these programs have been structured specifically to make it easier for timeshare owners to exchange timeshare week(s) at different resorts.  

In many vacation timeshare clubs this is the only way you can obtain a week(s) to use. In some cases, these exchanges are free; in other cases the resort charge an exchange fee, which by the way, are going up and up in price.

We hear so often from timeshare owners that, “the timeshare sales people who sold us the timeshare told us that the fees would not go up so now, we want to cancel timeshare”.

The Timeshare Sizes

When talking about timeshare exchanges of course, some timeshare weeks at some resorts will for sure, be a higher demand than other weeks. Also, the timeshare unit sizes and amenities will vary and again, be a higher demand than others.

For the exchange program to be successful, the owner of a high value timeshare week, will expect to have that value recognized in some way in the timeshare exchange program.  

We have talked about timeshare points before in this blog but I want to say here, that exchange programs that do not use points often limit the ability of owners of less desirable units to trade up by limiting exchanges to units of like value.  

Because the details of timeshare exchange will vary greatly among resort groups, you should always contact the resort to find out the full details about that exchange program.  

One thing to remember is that, if the exchange program operates using points, you will know exactly how many points you are entitled to receive based on your ownership, and also always, find out how many points are needed to complete certain types of timeshare exchanges.

If you own a timeshare and would like know how to cancel timeshare, to learn more about a timeshare cancellation see our frequently asked questions or give us a call.
To find out more about timeshare cancellation log onto our website:
5036 Dr. Phillips Blvd. #221 
Orlando, Florida 2819-3310 USA
For A Free Timeshare Cancellation Consultation

Call 24/7: 